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In Interval we explore the relationship between dance and architecture. The piece is the result of a long research and collaboration with interdisciplinary artist Gosse de Kort.
In Interval the four dancers navigate through a kinetic installation. As the architectonic conditions change so do their relationships to the space and each other. How does the space influence the body, and when is the body informing the space? When are the two in symbiosis and when are they in confrontation? The piece questions these definitions, searching for a state without hierarchy where the elements together create a synesthetic, personal encounter for the viewer. Interval can be experienced as both a performance for theaters as well as a standalone installation for museums and public spaces.

Interval has been nominated for the Swan for most impressive dance production 2021.
Check the links below to find out more about the process and research that went into the project.


OFFprojects x Korzo

The pop-up performance of Interval in the Atrium of the Haagse Hogeschool on 22nd of April 2024, was the first of a series of activities by OFFprojects x Korzo click here for more info


choreography and music Amos Ben-Tal spatial dramaturgy Gosse de Kort Dance Luca Cacitti, Wolf Govaerts, Xanthe van Opstal, Spencer Dickhaus, Milena Twiehaus, Aurélie Cayla artistic advice Yvan Dubreuil software programming Rolf Meesters light Xavier van Wersch production OFFprojects co-production Korzo Theater, Zuiderstrandtheater | Amare financial support Gemeente Den Haag, Fonds Podiumkunsten, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fonds 21, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie images Milena Twiehaus (first), Tom Weinberger (last) trailer filming Harmen Straatman, Lukas Timulak (MakeMoveThink) editing OFFprojects

Interval in words

Researcher and writer Katía Truijen followed the initial research that Amos, Gosse and Gen did in 2019-20.
She wrote this publication about the process and other interactions between architecture and dance. The trajectory and publication were commissioned by WhyNot festival.

Curator Slava Gepner interviewing Amos and Gosse about the piece:

Interval in music

Listen to a fragment from the soundtrack of Interval, composed by Amos. Some of the textures you are hearing are the sounds of the installation itself.

Interval in images

A Question of Ma was a lecture performance with Gosse de Kort and Genevieve Osborne which led to the full evening production Interval. It was commissioned by Festival Why Not.
