60 is the centerpiece of a two year period in which we investigated the human perception of time. We found it fascinating that people measure time in a very objective and social way, yet experience it in a very physical and personal way. The piece is a mosaic of short choreographic segments, each exploring a different aspect of time perception; articulation, repetition, anticipation, order, randomness etc.
As the piece progresses, the movement, music and text start showing recurrence and variations. What at first seemed to be a cold sequence of events, slowly emerges to reveal a slow, organic pulsation.
Check the links below to learn more about the documentation and many side projects that this project spawned.
concept OFFprojects choreography, music, poetry Amos Ben-Tal artistic advice Yvan Dubreuil dancers Milena Twiehaus, Genevieve Osborne, Aurélie Cayla, Luca Cacitti, Wolf Govaerts (OFFprojects) and Arad Inbar, Edward Lloyd, Sophia Dinkel, Maxine van Lishout (ICK) light Maarten Heijdra and OFFprojects costumes Min Li production OFFprojects, ICK Amsterdam co-production Korzo producties, Julidans, Nederlands Danstheater, CC Heidelberg. funded by Fonds Podiumkunsten, Fonds21, Gemeente Den Haag filming Harmen Straatman images, editing Milena Twiehaus/OFFprojects
Listen to part of the soundtrack of 60. Throughout the piece Amos used his own compositions mixed with elements of Art Of The Fuge by J.S Bach.
An archive of the process of 60 was created in collaboration with ICK Amsterdam and MotionBank. Part of the creation was annotated and this wonderful website was created detailing methods, definitions and concepts.